Motorsport UK has announced a number of changes for 2020 that will affect the events run by our club and all UK motor clubs.
Permit Fees
All Motorsport UK Per Capita Permit fees are increasing by a flat fee of £5 per entrant across all events. Motorsport UK have issued the following statement – “At a grass roots level, this can represent a higher proportionate increase. With the introduction of the free RS Clubman licence – for which many people pay in the existing equivalent licence type – the financial contribution from the competitor will be made via permits, representing a shift to a ‘pay-as-you-play’ system. In general, the shift better reflects a fair differential between the various permit tiers”
The above change unfortunately means that entry fees for all events run by the above three clubs will increase by a minimum of £5 to make the running of the events financially viable for the clubs.
Please read the information in the following link – New Motorsport UK RS Clubman licence from 2020.Due to these changes, all drivers and passengers need to obtain this new ‘FREE’ licence for 2020 if they wish to continue to enter the Autosolo, Autotest and PCA events run by the above three clubs and any similar events run by other motor clubs. You can find more information about the RS Clubman licence and a link to the licence application here: the last 3 years, the clubs have continued to invest new equipment to run our events to give you the competitor a great day out. We hope you will continue to enjoy the events at Blackburn and Lymm. We shall continue to monitor costs and entry numbers at our events.
Thank you from the organising team.